Classic aura durations
Classic aura durations

classic aura durations

Usually patients are able to note the progression of symptoms as it starts in one part of the body and moves up or down.

classic aura durations

This can be in the form of tingling (or pins and needles) or numbness (a dead feeling in part of a limb). Sometimes after these symptoms go away, there may be dark holes in the vision where patients are not able to see (scotoma). Visual aura generally lasts between 5 and 60 minutes in a typical patient although some patients may have peristsent visual symptoms. If the symptoms are stationery, for example flashing spots or zigzags which do not move or grow in size, they are less likely to represent migraine aura. The symptoms usually change in shape, size and location. Patients may also see sparkling or flashing lights or diamond-shaped small lights, which some people liken to looking into a kaliedoscope. This can take many forms, but typically, patients see a zig-zag line starting on one side which moves across the field of vision before fading away.

classic aura durations

The symptoms can be quite alarming and patients often and understandably feel anxious and worried when they experience this for the first time. This is the most common and well-studied type of aura. Aura sympoms can be visual sensory or affect an individuals strength (motor aura). Some people experience aura without the headache occuring (acephalgic migraine). These symptoms typically occur before the headache phase begins. Just under a quarter of people with migraine experience this symptom. One symptom that can cause alarm is the aura. These can occur at any point during the migraine: before, during and after an attack. It is common for a patient with migraine to experience symptoms other than headache.

Classic aura durations